Today is one of those days…

Today is one of those days, when your brain doesn’t stop for a second and you feel like your creativity is going to explode out of your ears!!

Does it ever happen to any of you?

What do you do then?

My way to stop it is to LET IT OUT! How??

CREATING, making new things, writing on my blog, taking pictures and making collages, making colourful and tasty food that I have never had before! Doing something NEW! Turning an old dress in a fancy skirt and top, decorating my room with pieces of wood found at the park! Doing anything that can make me feel who I really am_ because this is the part of me that I love the most and that makes other people love me too:

my_Very _Messy_Mind!

Do not ever lose your fantasy_ do not ever lose yourself!

stay creative