What would you do if money were no object?

Would you still work where you are working now?

Would you still live in the same place?

Would you still like your life and the things you are doing NOW?

Most of the people you will ask these questions will answer NO. And we all know why. It’s all about society, rules, money and how people look at you.

So, if you are saying no, think about it: what’s the matter?

I am 23 but I realized how this craving for money is not for me. And I will try to change NOW because I don’t wanna spend only another day of my life regretting what I could have done. What I really like to do.

Maybe one day I will find my Communication and Marketing Degree useful again but for now, I am off to Australia, where I would like to experience something I really love: NATURE.

I will always wonder_

“The world itself becomes a habit in no time at all. It seems as if in the process of growing up we lose the ability to wonder about the world. And in doing so, we lose something central—something philosophers try to restore. For somewhere inside ourselves, something tells us that life is a huge mystery. This is something we once experienced, long before we learned to think the thought.”


Sophie’s World_ Jostein Gaarder



The Journey Is Never Over_

What can be considered a journey?

It doesn’t matter how far you will go, or the people you will share those moments with_a journey doesn’t start when you are taking a plane and doesn’t end on your way back home_ A journey is a lesson, and you should make sure to write down any note_A journey can make you stronger_It can make you the person you always wanted to be.

It doesn’t matter how long it will last_ because it will never be over.

Josè Saramago in ‘Journey to Portugal’ sums up the way I am feeling right now_

The journey is never over. Only travelers come to an end. But even then they can prolong their voyage in their memories, in recollections, in stories. When the traveler sat in the sand and declared: “There’s nothing more to see” he knew it wasn’t true. The end of one journey is simply the start of another. You have to see what you’ve missed the missed the first time, see again what you already saw, see in the springtime what you saw in the summer, in daylight what you saw at night, see the sun shining where you saw the rain falling, see the crops growing, the fruits ripen, the stone which has moved, the shadow that was not there before. You have to go back to the footsteps already taken, to go over again or add fresh ones alongside them. You have to start the journey anew. Always. The traveler sets out once more.

Dover's Cliffs

Cosa può essere considerato un viaggio?

Non importa quanto lontano ti porterà, o le persone con cui condividerai quei momenti_ un viaggio non inizia salendo su un aereo e non termina al ritorno a casa_ un viaggio è una lezione, e tu, dovresti assicurarti di prender nota_ Un viaggio può renderti più forte_ma soprattutto può renderti la persona che avresti sempre voluto essere.

Non importa quanto durerà_ perchè tanto non finirà.

Josè Saramago in ‘Viaggio in Portogallo’ riassume come mi sento in questo esatto momento della mia vita_scrivendo così:

Il viaggio non finisce mai. Solo i viaggiatori finiscono. E anche loro possono prolungarsi in memoria, in ricordo, in narrazione. Quando il viaggiatore si è seduto sulla sabbia della spiaggia e ha detto: “Non c’è altro da vedere”, sapeva che non era vero. Bisogna vedere quel che non si è visto, vedere di nuovo quel che si è già visto, vedere in primavera quel che si è visto in estate, vedere di giorno quel che si è visto di notte, con il sole dove la prima volta pioveva, vedere le messi verdi, il frutto maturo, la pietra che ha cambiato posto, l’ombra che non c’era. Bisogna ritornare sui passi già dati, per ripeterli, e per tracciarvi a fianco nuovi cammini. Bisogna ricominciare il viaggio. Sempre. Il viaggiatore ritorna subito.