Beyond your house_Al di là della tua casa

Have you ever walked beyond your house? Have you ever taken the left instead of the right?

Today I have done these things for the first time and I wanna tell you about it.

I wake up around 9ish and “suddenly” (after months of indecision and laziness) I decide to go swimming!! So I pack my stuff and I go straight on my way. And here comes the amazing thing. I never walked on that direction before. I usually take the right to catch the bus from the main road. But this time I need to go left. First surprise is: I realize how many lovely houses are along the alleyway! Plus the sun is up..which is another kind of surprise for living in London. At the end of the road I need to across and.. third surprise! There is the chance to go trough this adorable park which I didn’t know existed before.

A bit of green, flowers, benches, people jogging around, mothers with babies, dogs (I love dogs_I am happy just watching them wagging tails) and the most surprising thing at all.. a wooden sculpture! Just there in the middle of the park without a name (for me)_engraved in a piece of tree trunk_I couldn’t resist to take a pic!


Finally (after 6 mins of amusing walk) I get the swimming pool_ Yes now I can say that I have experienced even this in UK. Nice one! Obviously everything is different_ completely different! You just pay the entrance fee and then you can stay as long you desire, which is a really good thing. But I need to pick on the “unprofessional” sides: you are not obliged to wear a swimming hat (so imagine swimming and bumping into floating hair), there is no female changing room but just lockers in a common area, then toilets and showers but without any facility where you should keep your stuff in the meanwhile you have a shower! :S

So I would say a bit disorganized but I had fun_ I missed swimming so much!

I don’t know if I will go back swimming there but for sure now I know that anytime I wanna go for a walk or to read a good book outdoor..I can enjoy this really cute place_ just there_ beyond my house.

_ London Souls Pollution__Londra inquina le anime_

This is a morning thought.

You are probably wondering what I mean by Souls Pollution. I was curious to know if anyone before had a reflection about it, and BINGO.. On the web I found this definition: Soul pollution happens when we refuse to acknowledge responsibility for our life._ Soul pollution occurs when our energies settle or become stagnant. There is no right or wrong, good or bad, about soul pollution. It either is or isn’t. The results are visible in your life and in your emotions. Soul pollution looks like dozens of different manifestations of failure, lack of control, and apathy_

In a way I agree.. but my reflection is more focused about feelings. In a cosmopolitan life the idea of love and sacrifice for the others changes completely its meaning. The man becomes selfish_just wanna achieve his money goals_satisfy himself_ give himself an expensive car_an amazing house_but what comes next?! So the Soul Pollution that I am talking about is that kind of dirtiness and interest about material things that gives darkness to your soul. That let you forget about friendship, love, humility, availability and all the simple things that usually in non capitalist societies (or simply younger) people feel.

Okay that was an exaggeration_ I haven’t experienced yet_ but I think that’s the way.

What I can say for experience is what I see in my everyday life. I can feel the madness and sadness of people around me_people who love judging everyone and try to throw mud  on them during their climbing to success_ Basically this people are scared!! They are scared to measure themselves and compare their skills to other people. So I feel so sorry for them. But what I am worried about is that unconsciously even me and the people that I love will become like that_

In the last 9 months my life changed_ and my personality as well_ I disposed off people of my previous life_ I took many decisions by my own_just thinking about me_ and sometimes I am scared_ I don’t wanna be unable to love again_I don’t wanna put my family on the side_

_I don’t want to suffer of Soul Pollution_

..e si ritrovò a lavorare in China.. talvolta Emirati Arabi!

Non ho mai visto così tanti soldi in vita mia.

Diamanti più grandi della capa di un neonato-banconote da 100 come fossero 5-borse-cinture-segnalibri nella pelle più pregiata-regalini per invitati a un party per un totale di tremilaprofumatissimipounds!! 

Cinesi,giapponesi,koreani,giappocinesi,giappokoreani.. ma mi chiedo..mentre facevate tutti sti soldi in Italia che facev’n?! Ma soprattutto: QUANTI NE SIETE!? 

Sto iniziando ad aver paura! Cioè si ha un’idea di quanti sono 1,344,130,000 di cristiani?! Cioè non la so nemmeno leggere sta cifra. 

Anyway ogni giorno ne vedo di tutti i colori. Ah dimenticavo lavoro da Hermès! ((quanto sono figa eh?! )) situato nella WONDER ROOM ((ma che nome è?)) in quel di Selfridges.

C’è chi lo chiama il tempio del lusso. però se vai a cercare tra i sinonimi di “spreco” la parola lusso nun ce sta.. 

La cosa che mi fa andare il sangue al cervello è che la maggior parte dei clienti è originaria di zone dove la gente, alle porte del 2013, muore ancora di fame! Dove le ragazzine sono costrette a prostituirsi ai turisti e ogni due e tre un terremoto o maremoto fa diventare sfollati e senza tetto migliaia di poveri cristi!! Cioè rendiamo conto!? Sono del parere che ogni volta prima dell’acquisto di un prodotto, quando arriva la parte in cui chiediamo di scrivere i propri dettagli, potremmo aggiungere una casellina in cui si richiede:



Ma così eh..giusto per sondaggio!! 

Sto riscontrando una realtà che non pensavo potesse esistere. Roba da Sex&TheCity che credi sia solo messa in scena per un film! NoNonO!Macchè! TUTTOVERO!! 

Sto conoscendo la gente più frivola che tu possa mai immaginare di conoscere!

Gente che ti guarda da come sei pettinato e ti sa dire qual è il tuo conto in banca. Gente che si venderebbe la nonna con tutto il catetere pur di avere un 50% da Chanel. Gente che si crede di essere potente perchè lavora da Hermès e ha il potere di decidere a chi sì e chi NO vendere una borsa da 10mila pounds che nessuno trova da nessuna parte del mondo! ((MA DOVE SONO TUTTE LE BIRKIN AND KELLY’S ?!)) Gente che darebbe qualsiasi buco del proprio corpo per ricevere qualcosa in cambio!! Gente che crede di poter trattare male persone che non parlano bene la propria lingua. Gente che non vorresti mai ritrovarti nel letto ma nemmeno a berti una birra assieme!

Gente che per fortuna mi sta aprendo gli occhi.. e che una cosa buona la sta facendo: mostrarmi quello che NON VORRÒ’ ESSERE MAI!!Image