Learn to live with uncertainty__Embrace Change

Take a moment and answer these questions.

What would you do if people you love didn’t have expectations for you?

Would you still be living in the same place, doing the same job or being together with your partner?

Try to be honest with yourself. Most likely you wouldn’t.

The thing is as much as rebel, unconventional and unique we want to be, we DO follow rules on a daily basis.

Unconsciously we make choices to gratify someone else. Or even worse, we do not make choices at all to avoid letting people down.

Why? The answer is easy. We have been raised on beliefs that someone has imposed on us without our permission.

Go to school – get a fancy University degree – build your career – buy a car – get a mortgage – get married – have kids – pretend to be satisfied !

And we all know it. We all know we are following steps. The reason why we stick to the script, is because as humans we love certainty. We love the feeling (or illusion) of being safe and needed. Being needed is seductive.

I feel such a stranger to this society sometimes. I don’t see myself as part of a plan. Trust me, letting down people can be the best life decision you can make. Living life on your terms. 

Do something unexpected_Don’t be scared of changing. 

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